Jumat, 23 Januari 2009

Trade Currencies From Home - A Simple Method For Triple Digit Gains

By kelly Price
If you want to trade currencies from home and make a triple digit income you can and here we will give you a simple method any trader can use to make big gains...

To make money at currency trading, you don't need to learn economics or follow the news you can simply look for repetitive chart formations which are a reflection of human nature and generate high odds set ups again and again.

The reason they do this is human nature is constant and this shows up in repetitive chart patterns. If you look at a currency chart you will notice the following:

1. Currencies trend i.e. they move up or down for long periods of time
2. All these trends start from breaks of resistance and support to new highs or lows and trends also continue from them.

By buying and selling these breaks, you can make a lot of money but how do you do it?

You need a level that has been tested a few times, the minimum number of tests is two but the more times the level has been tested before it breaks the better.

Always look for levels that the market considers important because when it breaks chances are traders who are trading in the opposite direction will have their stops here and when the level breaks, they need to cover and get out and this will push the price further in the direction of the breakout.

Once the level gives way after stops have been hit, technical trading systems kick in and push the price even further away from the breakout point and a new trend develops.

The above is logical and simple to understand but most traders NEVER trade breakouts because they have the wrong mentality. They want to try and buy exact lows and sell highs and predict these turning points.

They therefore think when a breakout has occurred, they have missed the start of the move and want a pullback to get on board - but the good breakouts just carry on and the trader misses the move.

If you look for good breakouts, you can simply trade the break as it occurs, put your stop behind the breakout point and wait for a trend to unfold. If you're wrong your stop is very tight so this is a great method for keeping risk low and profits high.

If you are trading currencies from home learn to trade breakouts. The logic is simple to understand and if you look at any currency chart you can see how effective it is. You don't need to trade often once or twice a month can make you a triple digit annual income and you can do it in just 30 minutes or less a day.

If you want to trade currencies from home and enjoy currency trading success, then learn to trade breakouts.
Article Source: http://www.Free-Articles-Zone.com

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